What's the expected time to complete my new site build?
You can expect your site to be delivered approximately 4-6 weeks from the time of receiving all collateral requested from our Activation team.
What is a redesign vs a new build?
A redesign assigns a new template to your current website. This is included every 2 years without additional charge. A standard build is included when signing on to the platform, and includes content migration up to 20 (Standard), or 25 (PLUS) pages.
Can I preview my site's redesign?
No. Redesigns differ from new builds in that new builds get a temporary URL at which the course’s manager (or other point of contact at the course) may “preview” the site before it is taken live. Redesigns, however, happen directly on the pre-existing site and are essentially a “flipped switch.”
Can the NBC Sports Next logo be removed from the footer?
No. The footer section with the copyright notice, the course’s mailing address and phone number, and NBC logo cannotreceive additional objects (like the course’s logo or sponsors).
Can GolfNow help purchase a domain for my website?
GolfNow does not provide assistance with domain purchasing and hosting. The course is always responsible for their domain renewal in order to ensure the site stays live. The course must have purchased a domain and provided the login credentials prior to starting a new build. These will be needed when launching the new site.
How many pages come with my website installation?
You'll get up to 20 pages for Standard websites and up to 25 pages for PLUS websites. If your current site has more pages, we may suggest combining or removing some. Additional pages can be added for a surcharge of $100 per page.
Can I change my template choice after submission?
Unfortunately, no. It's essential to review the template specs page and ask any questions before making a final decision. If you choose a new template before the redesign is eligible (within 2 years), a new build fee will apply.
What limitations exist within the navigation menu layout of my website?
All templates are designed for navigation tabs to display on one line only. As a result, navigation menus may not exceed six to eight primary tabs, depending on the template chosen. The designer will make style changes at their discretion to best accommodate the one-line standard, and may condense tabs into sub-menu dropdowns as needed.
What font options do you offer?
Our default font choices are Open Sans, Roboto, Source Sans Pro, Raleway, and Crimson Text. If you prefer a different option, we can use Google or Adobe Fonts. Please note that any other third-party sources are not compatible.
What are accepted file formats?
We accept .jpg and .png images and Word or PDF files..heic and .gif files will NOT be accepted. Video files are only accepted in .mp4, .wmv, and .m4a file formats. All files must be under 2GB. For better video load times, we recommend uploading videos to YouTube or Vimeo. When a large amount of files are used the site may experience lag when loading across all devices.
Can I purchase and install my own plugins?
No, your site is added to a multi-site network, which requires compatibility with all sites. We have an approved list of plugins, but if you need something else, reach out to our support team, and we'll suggest an alternative solution.
What plugins are installed and available to use?
WooCommerce - the online store plugin for incorporating virtual sales of merchandise, gift cards, range passes, etc. Use of Woocommerce requires integration with a business PayPal account or NEXT Payments.
Events Calendar - share upcoming events with your guests! This plugin allows for multiple aggregator views with tagging capabilities.
WPForms - plugin that provides an easy solution for creating various types of forms using a drag and drop interface.
YOAST SEO - provides powerful tools and features to optimize websites for search engines and improve their online visibility.
Video Tutorials - comprehensive training library to guide users on editing and using all plugins.
The template spec pages mention recommended image sizes. How do I know what my image sizes are?
Click Finder on your Dock.
Find the image you want to check.
Control+click (ctrl+click) your image. A menu appears.
Click Get Info. A window appears.
Expand the General: section to see your image’s file size.
Expand the More Info: section to see your image’s dimensions.
Click the Windows Start button on your taskbar.
Type “Windows Explorer” or “File Explorer” into the search bar.
Open Windows Explorer.
Find the image you want to check.
Select your image. The dimensions and file size appear at the bottom of the window.
All image sizes are listed in
(W x H). These are minimum size requirements.
Logo: 331px x 146px
Hero Slider Image(s): 1940px x 1293px
Welcome to Background Image: 1940px x 736px
Promo Tiles:
2 - 4 recommended
1940px x 1293px
All Full-Width Images: 1940px x 1293px
Internal Page Header: 1940px x 1293px